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Elly Parkinson- President

Elly has over 14 years experience in drama, treading the boards since she was a little girl. She has done some professional work in children's entertaining. Elly has directed over 10 different productions, producing many more. She has starred in a variety of roles from leads in musicals to serious award winning roles in competition drama. 

Neil Eskins - Vice President

Callum Eunson- Treasurer and Stage Manager

Callum has experience in stage management from working with an award winning pantomine society. He has worked as a treasurer before for a business venture he undertook as part of his academic career. 

Elizabeth Guest- Secretary

Elizabeth has had previous experience in

secreteral roles throughout her

academic career.

She is an invaluable addition to the team.

Daisy Browness- Chief executive proof reader and acting consultant

Daisy has an excellent eye for detail making her the perfect person to proof read and acting consult on all plays. She has experience from stage coach and various drama schools throughout her life. 

Tim Hamley - Choreographer

Rachel Jeffcock - Co Choreographer and ballroom coach

Rachel is a fantastic member to have on board. She has learnt dance from a very young age. Her knowledge in ballroom is second to none. Fantastic coaching for our graceful routines and brilliant for learning posture and movement during acting on stage. 

Haylee Widdall- Senior Member

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